The liberal world of Hollywood is still in complete shock as the pro-Trump sitcom “Roseanne” continues to dominate in the ratings.

Breitbart reported that “Roseanne” isn’t only at the top of Tuesday night ratings, it is also beating its competition every other night of the week as well! Delayed viewer ratings for the week of April 2 show that “Roseanne” absolutely dominated its competition in terms of both rating shares and total viewers.

That week, “Roseanne” came out on top with a gain of 2.4 rating points, bringing it to a total haul of 6.3. The closest competition to “Roseanne” was “The Big Bang Theory,” which grew by a 1.6 to a 4.0 total. In terms of total viewers, “Roseanne” grew by 43% to 22.1 million viewers total, while “The Big Bang Theory” came in second with 17.7 million viewers after seven days of playback.

In addition, last week’s episode of “Roseanne” managed to beat out the season finale of the rating powerhouse “The Walking Dead.” This shows just how much Americans really love and need a sitcom like this one.

In the year since Donald Trump took office, liberal elites in Hollywood have been pumping out shows that trash him at every turn. These Hollywood liberals are so out of touch with what the American people want that they never even thought to make a show about a Trump supporter.

Then Roseanne Barr stepped in.

A Trump supporter herself, Barr could see that millions of conservative Americans did not feel represented by anything on network television, so she decided to bring back a show that gave them a voice. Liberals in Hollywood are now in shock that a show about a Trump supporter is getting higher ratings than anything else on television.

What happened here is much like what happened in the 2016 presidential election, when smug liberals all over the country took it for granted that Hillary Clinton would beat Trump. They paid so little attention to the millions of conservatives in the U.S. that they never saw Trump’s victory coming, just as they now never saw “Roseanne’s”rating dominance coming.

In the end, this should show executives in Hollywood that they should be producing more content for Trump supporters.

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