Jeff Foxworthy Shares His Hilarious Card Game and It’s Safe for the Whole Family

jeff foxworthy card game

Jeff Foxworthy has a way of making everyday life situations hilarious and now he has created a new card game called Relative Insanity that will turn you into a comedian yourself.

Family is important to Foxworthy. He wanted to have a game his entire family could play together. While his kids like to play Cards Against Humanity, it can get extremely raunchy with topics you don’t want to discuss in front of grandma. In typical git r’ done redneck fashion, Jeff set out to make his own game to solve this dilemma. As the name implies, it’s a game the entire family can play.

He wrote 400 punch lines and then he wrote setup cards to go with them. Each player pulls seven punch lines. Then, when the setup card is read, the players chose a punch line to go with it.

Jeff went on “The Tonight Show” to promote the game. A few rounds were played and the results were so funny that Jimmy Fallon had to put his head on the desk while playing. It’s apparently impossible not to laugh while playing this game. Even these professional comedians had a good time!

Jeff also told Jimmy about his wedding 33 years ago. They had a simple wedding with just a pastor and if you are a fan of this favorite redneck comedian, you will love his wedding picture. It is classic Foxworthy!

Given his long marriage, family is obviously important to Jeff and that’s a reason he wanted to make his game fun and appropriate for everyone. Watch the video below and see if you think your family would enjoy this game!

We need to bring back Family Game Night and Jeff Foxworthy‘s game is perfect for doing that! The punch lines are a bit risque, but not inappropriate at all. They will have people of all ages laughing!

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