George Carlin was hilarious. He spoke out on political topics, even though he wasn’t a conservative.
But, he did take aim at liberal lunacy too. He was a fan of the First Amendment and he was an enemy of political correctness.
In the video below, Carlin breaks down why political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners. He specifically mentions how sanitizing words and descriptions is ruining the language and is just nonsensical.
Carlin didn’t hold back. It’s as if he predicted what is happening now. Political correctness wasn’t as prevalent in Carlin’s time as it is today.
Not even a safety pin can protect liberals from Carlin’s big dose of common sense. He took on the stupid, ugly, and even the handicapped. He wasn’t afraid to point out the inconsistencies with these new labels and how they are destroying our society. I wonder what he would say about liberals’ gender fluidity platform.
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