“The Beverly Hillbillies” was one of the most beloved television shows of the 1960s, and John Wayne was one of the most popular film actors of the time period. So fans were ecstatic when Wayne agreed to appear on an episode of the beloved sitcom in 1967. Being the manly man he was, John Wayne found a way to combine America’s beloved sitcom “The Beverly Hillbillies” with something he loved – bourbon whiskey!

John Wayne Appears On ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’

Wayne appeared on the 1967 episode of “The Beverly Hillbillies” that was titled “The Indians Are Coming.”

Throughout the episode, the Clampett family is feuding with an indigenous tribe in a plot that perhaps has not aged so well.

The character of Granny spends the entire episode wishing that someone like John Wayne was around to protect her from a staged attack.

At the end of the episode, her wish quite literally comes true, as Wayne himself comes in to save the day!

You can watch John Wayne’s cameo appearance in “The Beverly Hillbillies” clip below:

But here’s where the story gets interesting.

Now, it’s been revealed that Wayne was not actually paid for this appearance monetarily. Instead, he asked to be paid in bourbon whiskey! 

Related: FLASHBACK: John Wayne Predicts, And Slams, Today’s Liberals And Feminists

John Wayne Requests His Pay For ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’ In Bourbon

One would think that the producers of “The Beverly Hillbillies” had to pay big bucks to get an A-list star like Wayne to make a cameo on the show, but this is not the case at all.

Cheat Sheet reported that all the producers of the sitcom had to do to convince Wayne to make an appearance on the program was give him a bottle of bourbon whiskey, and he was good to go.

Specifically, John Wayne was reportedly paid for his work on the show with a fifth of Jack Daniels bourbon, which was all that he asked for, according to IMDB

This just goes to show both how big “The Beverly Hillbillies” was in the 1960s, and how down to earth John Wayne was despite his status as an A-list star.

His attitude is particularly refreshing given the fact that we currently live in a time when most of the stars of Hollywood are self-obsessed people who only care about achieving fame and filling their own pocketbooks. 

Cancel Culture Comes For John Wayne

“The Beverly Hillbillies” went off the air in 1971 after nine years and 274 episodes. Wayne tragically died in 1979 at the age of 72.

Unfortunately, cancel culture has targeted John Wayne as of late for some politically incorrect things that he said during his lifetime.

It’s sad that the liberal snowflakes of today are spending their time trying to tarnish the legacy of a man who was so iconic. 

Regardless of whether or not the Duke is “cancelled” by the left, we will always love him!

Read Next: John Wayne’s Daughters Hit Back When Cancel Culture Renews Push To Destroy His Legacy

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