While filling in for Jimmy Kimmel on his late-night television show this week, the comedian Chelsea Handler whined that the high school she attended in her youth will not induct her into its hall of fame because she openly discusses getting three abortions during her time there.

Handler Complains About Alma Mater

“I recently found out that my high school in New Jersey, Livingston High School, is refusing to induct me into their alumni hall of fame,” Handler began, according to People Magazine. 

Handler went on to say that fellow alums Jason Alexander and Chris Christie have each been inducted into the school’s alumni hall of fame.

“Apparently, the school is upset about how much I talk about my abortions, so I’ve decided to start a grassroots campaign,” she added. “You should donate to Planned Parenthood, and then march, and then vote, but after you’re done with that, go online and tweet a message to the school district for my alma mater @LivSchools. Let them know how you feel about this gross injustice and use the hashtag #Hall4Handler.” 

“Have fun with it. Make me proud,” Handler concluded. “Livingston High, the hall is in your court.”

Related: Chelsea Handler Rants Against ‘White Men’ Who Complain About Cancel Culture

Check out Handler’s full monologue on this below.

High School Fires Back

A spokesperson for Livingston fired back by refuting the claims made by Handler.

“On behalf of the current Livingston Public Schools administrative team, Ms. Handler was not refused for the LEF Hall of Fame,” communications and community outreach coordinator Michelle Bent told the New York Post. 

“Following an email exchange with her representatives in February/March 2022 about how the district could honor Ms. Handler and extended conversations with the Livingston Education Foundation (LEF), the district told her representatives that she would be considered by the LEF the next time candidates are considered,” Bent continued. 

“It has been several years since the LEF has nominated and inducted new individuals into the Livingston High School Hall of Fame. The LEF has expressed that it is looking forward to bringing the Hall of Fame event back soon,” she concluded. “At that time, it can formally nominate and induct new LHS alumni.”

Related: Chelsea Handler Strips Down To Celebrate Biden’s Inauguration

Handler Talks About Her Abortions

Handler has frequently talked about her abortions over the years, penning an op-ed about two of them for Playboy back in 2016. 

“When I got pregnant at the age of 16, getting an abortion wasn’t the first idea that popped into my unripened brain,” Handler wrote, adding that she felt “relieved” when her parents took her to Planned Parenthood for the procedure.

“I felt parented, ironically, while I was getting an abortion,” she added. “And when it was over, I was relieved in every possible way.” 

Handler went on to say that she got another abortion later that year after becoming pregnant by the same partner once again.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet,” Handler stated. “Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent—let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become—should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.”

It’s sad that Handler is not only so proud of her abortions, but also so quick to throw her alma mater under the bus. The entertainment world really needs to stop giving this woman a microphone, because nothing that comes out of her mouth deserves to be amplified to the world. 

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