Another Clown Sighting But This One Has a Terrifying Reaction to Two Runners


The country is facing a bit of a clown epidemic. Clowns are showing up in strange places. There have been numerous reports of clowns in the woods. Schools in Cincinnati were even closed due to some clown freak there.

Clowns can be pretty terrifying so the thought of one jumping out at you when you aren’t expecting it can freak you out!

Something like that happened to two runners. They saw a clown on a suspension bridge. When they asked him what he was doing, the clown turned around and started chasing them. That’s when they realize he had a knife.

One of the runners recorded this on his phone. The video has gone viral. Watch the recording below and let us know what your reaction is.

While it’s terrifying, I’m not sure this is real. It has a Blair Witch feel to it. If they are freaked out by clowns, why would they ask him questions? I would run the heck out of there!

If you have had enough of clowns, please share this!

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