“Alrighty then” Today I am having some wild and zany fun as I take a look at the top 10 Jim Carrey movies of the 90s. To say that Jim Carrey was a massive star in the mid to late 90s is a huge understatement and I just ate up everything that he did. So much so that I have decided to take on the task of ranking all his movies that came out during that time.
While his filmography in the 90s does sit at the 9 (plus my one bonus from the early 00s) have some fun by trying to put these movies in your own order!
Me, Myself & Irene – 2000

As I said, Jim Carrey only had 9 movies released at the box office, but as this is the top 10 Jim Carrey movies of the 90s, I decided to add one from 2000. I mean, he would have been filming this in 1999 at the latest, so on a technicality, I am allowing it.
This movie is a blast! Jim Carrey plays the role of a Rhode Island motorcycle cop called Charlie Baileygates who has a mental breakdown and creates the crazy alter ego of Hank Evans. He is tasked with safely transporting Rene Zellweger and all hell breaks loose. We then get one of the wildest adventures of Jim Carrey’s career! If I were doing a top 10 Jim Carrey movies of all time, Me, Myself & Irene would easily make the top five.
Also Read: The Five Best 90s Comedies On Netflix
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls – 1995

Funny and true story here: there was a kid I went to high school with who would dress like Ace Venture and act like him, he even did the crazy hair. I tell you, he really committed to this for a good solid several months.
I have to say that Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is nowhere near as good as the first movie. Hey, it is not terrible and him singing “Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang” while driving like a maniac still cracks me up.
However, Ace’s journey to Africa to stop two tribes from going to war is not as good as the plot of the first movie. We get lots of crazy over-the-top Jim Carrey moments here, but it was like that was the focus rather than telling a good story. Still, I have always felt that this was nowhere near as bad as many people make it out to be.
The Cable Guy – 1996

I drove my friends and family crazy by yelling out “Yoo hoo cable guy” after I saw the first trailer for this back in 1996. Here, Jim Carrey plays a crazy cable guy called Chip who manages to worm himself into the life of Matthew Broderick’s Steve.
Broderick and Carrey have amazing chemistry and what seems like a good and fun friendship starts to turn into something rather sinister as Chip becomes more obsessed with Steve and starts ruining his life. While we do get to see Jim Carrey do what Jim Carrey does best on more than a few occasions in this movie, I also think that The Cable Guy is much darker than the other Jim Carrey comedies of the 90s as the character is a bit more twisted.
The Truman Show – 1998

It is fair to say that as a teenager I loved the crazy side of Jim Carrey, but there are a couple of movies in this top 10 Jim Carrey movies of the 90s list that show what a talented actor he is. The Truman Show is a movie that I feel has become more loved over time.
Here, Jim Carrey plays the role of Truman, a man who is the star of a TV show, only he doesn’t know it. This in many ways is one of the first glimpses of reality TV. Truman is surrounded by actors and everything is filmed, but he has no idea.. It is kind of messed up and sad when you think about it. Slowly, Truman starts to realize that something is not right with the world he is living in and we go on this amazing journey of discovery with him.
Man on the Moon – 1999

When I was putting this top 10 Jim Carrey movies of the 90s list together, I kept changing my mind about where Man on the Moon and The Truman Show should go, but I ultimately decided that I liked the former just a little bit more.
Here, Jim Carrey plays the role of comedy legend Andy Kauffman. Being a huge wrestling fan, I was very familiar with Andy Kauffman and there was a lot of publicity about how filming the wrestling scene got out of hand.
Jim Carrey goes above and beyond and this is such an amazing biopic. However, as good as this movie is, I have to say that the Netflix documentary, Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond is even better. The method acting that Jim Carrey did for this is close to being as insane as you can get. If you have not seen that documentary, go watch it now, you will see Man on the Moon in a whole new light after!
Batman Forever – 1995

Look, I love the Michael Keaton Batman movies, but Batman Forever is my favorite Batman movie of all time. I think that Val Kilmer was a great Batman/Bruce Wayne and the movie is just a ton of fun. The years of 1994 and 1995 were huge for Jim Carrey. He was box office gold, and I thought that his manic Jim Carrey charm worked so well as The Riddler.
Granted, Tommy Lee Jones’s Two-Face was more of a sidekick to The Riddler’s wacky antics, but they made for a great pair. While it was certainly sillier than Batman Returns, which came out a few years prior, I do think that Batman Forever made up for this in the fun department.
It was like a cartoon that came to life and a huge part of the fun is that over the top performance by Jim Carrey. Of course, the less said about the absolutely god awful Batman Forever video game adaptation the better. Jim Carrey is great, but not even he would have been able to save that mess!
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective – 1994

I would wager that my top four best Jim Carrey movies of the ’90s are probably very similar to most other people’s lists, but the order they’re in may be different.
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was just so much fun. Yes, Jim Carrey is crazy and doing what would become his Jim Carrey schtick for the next few years, but what this first movie does so much better than the second one is that it makes sure to show that he is actually a very good detective.
Sure he may screw around and do weird stuff, but there is a method to his madness. I feel that the sequel, which certainly does have its crazy moments, missed out on showing what a great and smart detective Ace Ventura is. This one holds up to this day and I have always had a fun time while watching it.
Liar Liar – 1997

While Liar Liar is not my favorite Jim Carrey movie, it has one of, if not my favorite, Jim Carrey scenes of all time. The scene where he is trying to get out of court by “kicking his own ass” cracks me up like no other!
I feel that Jim Carrey tones down the manic stuff a little more here than he did in his previous movies. You can tell that he has a good heart and wants to be a good dad to his son, but that wish his son makes where he cannot lie for a day forces him to face up to the fact that he has been a rather selfish person and has let his son down on numerous occasions. While this is a very funny comedy, you have to give Liar Liar a lot of credit for having a real feel-good ending.
The Mask – 1994

“Somebody Stop Me!”
Based on what is a rather obscure comic book, The Mask is a wacky superhero movie that is literally like a comic book or cartoon has come to life. Playing the role of Stanley, Jim Carrey wants more from life and he gets it when he finds a weird mask in the river.
The mask allows him to turn into a cartoon superhero and this soon puts him head to head with a criminal who is sick of The Mask getting in his way. This is very fun stuff and the visual effects are done really well. I actually think a lot of them hold up really well to this day. Jim Carrey is hilarious in this movie and I love how there is so much slapstick comedy here. Plus, we all owe a huge debt to The Mask for unleashing the beauty that is Cameron Diaz on the world!
Dumb & Dumber – 1994

Jim Carrey had three box office smash hits in 1994 – how crazy is that? When I started my top 10 Jim Carrey movies of the 90s list, I knew that there was no way Dumb & Dumber was not going to be number one!
Forget Jim Carrey for a second, this is my favorite comedy of all time. It’s about a couple of slackers, Harry and Lloyd who take a road trip from Rhode Island to Aspen to return a briefcase to a woman Lloyd falls in love with, but they fall into trouble with some goons as a result.
There are so many memorable and quotable scenes in this movie that I honestly would not even know where to start. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels have tremendous chemistry together and everything they do makes me laugh.
The thing is, Dumb & Dumber also has some more tender and serious moments too. Also, this movie has a fantastic soundtrack that I still listen to today. Back in the summer of 1995, my friends and I would watch this on a near daily basis and play Street Fighter II on Sega Genesis as well. I cannot say enough nice things about this movie, it is an absolute classic and by far the best Jim Carrey movie of the 90s!
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