Kevin Costner Princess Diana
Source YouTube: People, ITN Archive

The Hollywood star Kevin Costner is speaking out this week to reveal the surprising thing that Prince William told him about the late Princess Diana.

Diana ‘Fancied’ Costner

Costner told People Magazine that when he was in the United Kingdom a few years ago, William contacted him asking for a private meeting.

“I happened to be in England, and I got this message that the prince would love to talk, and I said, ‘What?’… and then I went, ‘Okay,'” recalled Costner, 69.

“We met in this room, and it was just us,” he continued. “He walked up, and we shook hands… The first line out of his mouth was, ‘You know, my mom kind of fancied you.'”

Though Costner declined to reveal what else they talked about in this private meeting, he described William as being “very sweet.” While he found that William was a “quite a young man,” Costner left their chat with “such fond memories of who he was, how I was approached and what we talked about.”

Costner Wanted Diana For The Bodyguard 2

Costner had met Diana years before when they were in talks about her starring in a sequel to his 1992 movie The Bodyguard, which starred him and Whitney Houston.

“There was a moment that that was really flying down the tracks, very quietly, because it’s how I operate,” Costner explained.

Costner was introduced to Diana through her sister-in-law Sarah Ferguson, who was married to Prince Andrew at the time.

“It was so sweet. Sarah was the one that set this up,” Costner said. “Sarah was very cool… when she could have been going, ‘Well, I’m a princess too. What about me?’ She didn’t do that at all. Diana and I began to talk.”

Watch Costner talk more about this starting around the 11:40 mark in the video below.

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Costner’s ‘Ugly’ Feud With Royals

This sequel to The Bodyguard unfortunately never came to be. Sadly, Diana was later killed in a car crash in 1997 when she was only 36 years-old. William is now 41 years-old and is heir to the British throne behind his father King Charles.

While appearing on “The Howard Stern Show” on Tuesday, Costner revealed that he had an “ugly” feud with the British royal family after Diana’s untimely passing. The royals reportedly refused to believe that Diana was ever considering doing a Hollywood film like a sequel to The Bodyguard.

“When Diana passed, about a year later it had leaked out that I was prepping Bodyguard 2 with her. And what happened was, the royal family kind of turned on me a little bit,” he remembered.

“Like, ‘No, that’s not true.’ And it got actually kind of ugly,” Costner added. “And I let it go for a while. It just got uglier and uglier.”

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Costner Calls Sarah For Help

Costner ended up calling Sarah for help.

“Finally I called up Sarah, and said, ‘Sarah, you need to tell me who is leading the charge there on this thing. She goes, ‘No, no, no, Kev, you don’t want to talk to them,'” he recounted. “I said, ‘Yes I do.’ I called them up and I said, ‘I’m telling you something, you need to stop because it is true. And if you don’t stop, I’m gonna start. Because it was.’”

In the end, it’s all of our loss that Costner was never able to make The Bodyguard 2 with Diana. We can only imagine how epic that movie would have been!

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