Subway franchisees across the country are demanding that ads featuring soccer star Megan Rapinoe be dropped because of her anti-American antics. Her stint as a pitchwoman for Subway began this spring.
Subway Franchises Blast Rapinoe
Rapinoe has been hired as a spokesperson for Subway despite the fact that she is known as the Colin Kaepernick of the women’s soccer world. She regularly takes a knee during the national anthem before soccer games.
A Wisconsin Subway operator recently took to the discussion forum of the North American Association of Subway Franchisees to post a photo of a hand-scrawled note from an irate customer taped to the front door of his shop.
Found on a Subway in Wisconsin. pic.twitter.com/1C3Nbq8o8C
— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) August 7, 2021
“Boycott Subway Until Subway fires the anti-American POS Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!” the note read. “TAKE AMERICA back from the Godless REPROBATES!”
Related: Megan Rapinoe Leads USWNT Players In Taking A Knee Before Getting Demolished In Olympic Opener
Subway Franchise Owners Hit With Backlash Over Rapinoe
Many Subway franchise owners from all over the nation are saying that they have received backlash from patrons for the Rapinoe ads.
Here’s one of the ads that’s running:
The North American Association of Subway® Franchisees, NAASF, told group members last week that these fears over the Rapinoe ads had been communicated to the company’s top management led by Chief Executive John Chidsey.
“Your NAASF Board has already communicated with [Subway] leadership the concerns voiced by NAASF membership,” the group’s executive director, Illya Berecz, told franchisees in a letter obtained by The New York Post.
“I had a bunch of franchisees calling me on this today,” said a lawyer who represents Subway franchisees. “They are trying to get the ads pulled.”
“They probably wanted more splashy advertising to go along with more splashy foods,” added John Gordon of Pacific Management Consulting Group, which advises restaurants. “We are so politically divided in this country and Subway should have done more careful due diligence, without a doubt, before choosing [Rapinoe].”
One franchise owner on the west coast said that Subway ads should focus on the improved bread, rather than on Rapinoe.
“Spending our money to make a political statement is completely and totally out of bounds,” said an Arizona franchise owner.
Related: Megan Rapinoe Rails About ‘Big F*** You’ She Got From U.S. Soccer
Many social media users took to Twitter to share their opinions as well:
RT if you won't eat @SUBWAY until they FIRE America hating Megan Rapinoe!
— Nick Adams (Alpha Male) (@NickAdamsinUSA) August 8, 2021
Lots of Subway franchisees, with their dwindling profits and pissed off customers, want Purple Megan Rapinoe the hell out. They are tired of apologizing to customers. Now who in their right mind at the advertising agency could have thought this was a good idea?
— Gracie51 (@Gracie5111) August 7, 2021
Subway isn’t the only brand that picked up Rapinoe as a spokesperson. Victoria’s Secret is shifting focus to what they believe women want and apparently that means including Megan Rapinoe.
Trump Blasts Rapinoe
Last week former President Donald Trump unloaded on Megan Rapinoe and her team following their bronze medal victory over Australia at the Olympics.
“If our soccer team, headed by a group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze,” Trump said. “The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics instead of doing her job!”
Full Story: Trump Slams Megan Rapinoe’s Soccer Team As ‘Leftist Maniacs’ After They Win Bronze Medal
It remains to be seen whether Subway will stand by Rapinoe, or drop her from their ads.