Once again the Gosselin family’s dirty laundry is airing in the media. Jon Gosselin recently told Entertainment Tonight that his ex-wife Kate is the one who abused their son Collin. Jon says that Collin suffers PTSD from the abuse he experienced.
Kate Gosselin Was An Absentee Mother
Kate hasn’t talked to her son Collin in more than five years. And, Jon claims she has never even attempted to reach out to him. She was so disconnected with her son that she didn’t even bother to show up to a custody hearing.
Her failure to show allowed Jon to gain custody of Collin. Now, this absentee mother is claiming that she believes her ex-husband is abusing Collin.
Years earlier, Kate sent Collin to a special needs school.
Rather than keeping this a private matter, she embarrassed her young son in the media by portraying him as an out-of-control kid who needed to be institutionalized.
Yet she wouldn’t even tell Jon where their son was.
Collin recently called police when he got into an argument with his dad. Collin then claimed that Jon abused him.
And, Kate jumped at the opportunity to get into a media slugfest with her ex.
Backstory: Jon Gosselin Accused Of Physical Abuse By Son Collin – Kate Speaks Out
Jon Says Collin Gosselin Has PTSD
Jon told Entertainment Tonight that Kate’s motives for pushing Collin back into the limelight are clear.
“I think her motives are fame, money and those have always been her motives and getting herself back on TV. I’m not looking to go back on TV. I haven’t pursued any television. I work my IT job,” the father says.
Jon says he knows Collin was misdiagnosed and put in a treatment program against his consent.
Jon Details Collin Gosselin’s Abuse By Mom Kate
During his Entertainment Tonight interview, Jon Gosselin shared a harrowing account of Collin’s treatment by Kate and how their son has rebounded since Jon was awarded full custody.
From ET:
“He was there in his first place for 18 months and then thankfully he was moved to another place for a year and then it took me a year to get him out, but at least I could work with those people to let them know that, you know, this isn’t the child that you think he is, and I got him out and then he’s been at home with me for two years now,” he tells ET’s Kevin Frazier. “I’ve integrated him into public school. He has a 3.9 GPA, he missed school for three years and got caught up in all schoolwork, he has a full-time job — he works on a farm.”
Jon claims that Collin also has PTSD from Kate’s treatment of him. Kate has previously denied allegations of abuse. During her 2016 GMA appearance, she was asked about a report claiming that Collin told staffers at his treatment facility that he was abused by her and that child services opened an investigation.
Parental Abandonment
It’s not hard to imagine that having his mother isolate him, then ceding custody completely, and refusing to make contact caused emotional scars. Parental abandonment can be be very traumatic.
Related: Collin Gosselin Takes Shot At Mom Kate As He Wishes Jon’s Girlfriend A Happy Mother’s Day
You can watch this interview in the video below.
No matter what Collin’s issues stem from, using him as a volleyball to earn publicity points against the other parent isn’t helpful.
Kate Goslin would better serve her son Collin by using her time to connect with him rather than giving media interviews about him.