Any masked luchador knows that the mask is something sacred. However, WWE’s Rey Mysterio released a heartfelt unmasked photo to celebrate his wife’s birthday.

Rey Mysterio Releases Unmasked Photo For His Wife’s Birthday

Unmasked photos of Rey Mysterio are really rare

WWE legend Rey Mysterio took to social media this week to reveal a beautiful photograph of himself and his wife. As you already know, unmasked photos of the Luchador are rare.

The unmasked photo contained a lengthy caption. However, this was one of the main statements. 

“I love you with all my heart my love and I thank God for blessing you with one more year of life and health at my side.”

“Never change your way of being because I love it so much that you make me smile because of how spontaneous you always are!”

Rey Mysterio posted this message for his wife’s birthday. Rey and his other half currently live in Chula Vista in the San Diego, CA area.

More Rare Unmasked Photographs Of Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio

As we mentioned already, Rey does not take photos without a mask often. Nevertheless, some have accumulated over the years.

WCW Mysterio

WCW Rey Mysterio

Many people do not realize that Rey spent some time in WCW. This is not a surprise, because this run was far from successful. 

When he spent time in WCW, he did wrestle unmasked. As a result, there is this photograph of Rey, Konan, and Billy Kidman.

Obviously, the devil’s horns and the general wardrobe does not do Rey any favors. The iconic mask is definitely better!

Snapped In Japan

Rey Mysterio in Japan

It is unclear when exactly this picture was taken, but we can confidently say it was some years ago. We do know that this picture was snapped during a WWE Japan tour. 

Party Rey

Party Rey

Rey Mysterio may have some of the cleanest images in professional wrestling, but he does know how to party as the above picture show.

The picture was taken a few years ago and included the Hardy Boyz and the Bella Twins. Given it is an unmasked picture, we are sure some alcohol was involved.

Rey Celebrates In Japan

Rey Mysterio restaurant picture

A good meal should be celebrated with a great photograph. The wrestlers involved agreed, and took this picture at a Japanese restaurant. 

Rey can be seen unmasked in the right of this photo, in front of Kofi Kingston. You can also spot Santino Marella and Jack Hager (Jack Swagger) as well.

Rey And His Daughter Aalyah

Rey Mysterio and aalyah

Rey Mysterio has several children. In addition to Dominique, he also has a daughter Aalyah. In this picture, he posed unmasked with his then 15-year-old daughter.

Aalyah is now 19 and values her privacy. Because of that, we will not post any further pictures of Rey’s daughter.

Rey And Dominic

Dominic and Rey

Most of the WWE universe knows Dominic now, as he is starting to build his own wrestling career. Of course, there are also some unmasked photos of Rey with his son.

One of the pictures was taken at an LA Dodgers baseball game. All we can see is the height difference!

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