Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour has just spoken out to confirm that First Lady Melania Trump will likely never be on the cover of the magazine again because of her conservative views.
“You have to stand up for what you believe in, you have to take a point of view,” Wintour said of her reasoning as to why she’s blacklisted Melania, according to Inside Edition. “I don’t think you can try to please everyone all the time.”
It should be noted that Michelle Obama was on the cover of Vogue three times when she was First Lady, while Hillary Clinton made the cover once. Barbara Bush and Laura Bush each were profiled in the magazine during their time in the White House, and even porn star Stormy Daniels was given an expose in Vogue, but Melania has still been completely ignored during her three years as First Lady.
“We profile women in the magazine that we believe in the stand that they are taking on an issue,” Wintour said. “We support these leaders.”
Did Anna Wintour really just argue that Stormy Daniels is a “leader?!”
As someone who was a successful supermodel in her own right, Melania Trump is more qualified to be on the cover of Vogue than arguably any other First Lady in history. If her husband were a liberal, Melania already would have been on countless Vogue covers by now, yet she is effectively banned from the magazine simply because she is married to a conservative president who is trying to make this country great again. If that isn’t sexism, I don’t know what is!
This is just the latest in a long line of examples of Melania being treated unfairly by the press. The First Lady has done absolutely nothing wrong, yet she is constantly vilified by hateful liberals who always seem to be out to get her. Through it all, Melania has kept her head held high and shown the entire country what true class really is. Despite what ignorant liberals like Anna Wintour say, we really are lucky to have a First Lady like Melania Trump!
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