Eight women are accusing Hollywood star Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment. This stunning revelation will shock a lot of people as Freeman has been the “voice of God” and is a Hollywood icon.

The accusations are from those in the entertainment industry as well as entertainment reporters. Freeman is accused of making inappropriate and sexually suggestive comments, but it’s important to remember the man is 80-years-old and is not accustomed to the sudden hypertensive “Me Too” world where what used to be harmless comments are now considered to be almost criminal and sometimes career-ending.

A production assistant accused Freeman of unwanted touching and harassment over the course of several months as Going Into Style was being produced in 2015. She claims he “kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear.” He never lifted her skirt, as she moved away each time. Of course, that is actually inappropriate behavior.

Another member of the production staff of 2012’s Now You See Me also made accusations against the Hollywood legend. “He did comment on our bodies… We knew that if he was coming by … not to wear any top that would show our breasts, not to wear anything that would show our bottoms, meaning not wearing clothes that [were] fitted,” she said.

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Video of Freeman’s alleged inappropriate comments towards entertainment reporters is below. One of the reporters tells CNN that Freeman made these comments when she was six months pregnant.

Whatever happened to discussing these things with people rather than breaking a story? This man is not acting like Harvey Weinstein! Perhaps he sounds like a dirty old man, but from what I am seeing, it doesn’t appear that he is a predator.

Women need to feel comfortable in the workplace, but a little talk can go a long way in helping someone correct their behavior. It’s important to remember this man is 80-years-old. In this 24/7 news cycle, some people are more interested in headlines than discreetly righting a wrong.

Share this if you think Hollywood needs to be a better job of policing its own!

Source: CNN

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